4 Easy Vegetarian Recipes | 4道簡單素食食譜

4 Easy Vegetarian Recipes | 4道簡單素食食譜



vegetarian, 素食,recipe,食譜



現在煮」Fun」仔與大家分享幾道素食菜肴,煮出來的味道可以比素食檔口來的好吃哦! There are many vegetarians among us nowadays but the amount of vegetarian restaurants don't really seem sufficient for the demand? Why not just cook it yourself at home! It is not only healthier but helps saving some cost too!

Stir-fried Pumpkin Recipe杏香金瓜片小炒食譜


vegetarian, 素食,recipe,食譜

Ingredients A | 材料A:100g pumpkin slices | 金瓜片100克 Ingredients B | 材料B:60g lotus root (slices) | 蓮藕片60克, 50g red capsicum |紅甜椒50克, 30g white mushroom | 白玉菇30克, 15g saoked baby fungus| 已浸發雲耳15克, 25g snow peas | 荷蘭豆25克

Ingredients C | 材料C:2 tbsp oil | 油2湯匙,1/2 tbsp chopped pickled radish |菜脯碎 1/2湯匙

Ingredients D | 材料D:some toasted almond flake | 炸香杏仁片少許

Seasoning(mixes all) | 調味料『拌勻』:1 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce |素蚝油1茶匙, 1 tsp concentrated vegetarian stock| 齋湯1茶匙, 1/2 tsp sugar | 糖1/2茶匙, 1/4 tsp salt | 鹽1/4茶匙, dash of pepper and sesame oil | 胡椒粉、麻油少許,3 tbsp water | 水3湯匙

Thickening | 勾芡:1/2 tsp corn flour | 風車粉 1/2茶匙, 2tbsp water | 水2湯匙

Method | 做法:

1. Blanch ingredients B and set aside.


2. Saute ingredients C until fragrant;toss in pumpkin and ingredients B, and then add in seasoning and stir-fry in high heat briskly;thicken with starch and dish out,top with almond flake.



Braised Mock Chicken with Fungus Recipe 金針雲耳素雞食譜


vegetarian, 素食,recipe,食譜

Ingredient and Portion A: | 材料與分量 A: 20g dried tiger lily | 干金針菇 20克, 20g baby black fungus | 雲耳 20克

Ingredient and Portion B: | 材料與分量B: 10 slices ginger | 薑片 10片, 150g monkey head mushroom (soaked) | 猴頭菇 150克, 8 slices carrot | 紅蘿蔔片 8片

Seasoning | 調味料: 1/2 tsp vegetarian stock granule | 調味素 1/2茶匙, 1tsp vegetarian oyster sauce | 素蚝油 1茶匙, 1/2 tsp sugar | 糖 1/2 茶匙, 1 tsp soy sauce |醬油 1/2 茶匙, 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce | 黑醬油 1/2 茶匙

Thickening | 勾芡:Some corn starch |粟粉水 適量雲耳素雞食譜

Method | 做法:

1. Soak ingredients A until soften, wash and trimmed.


2. Blanch all ingredients (except for ginger).


3. Sauté ginger with 1 tbsp oil until fragrant.


4. Toss in all blanch ingredients and then add in 1⁄2 bowl water


5. Add in seasoning and simmer for about 3 minutes, thicken with starch, done.



Splendid Greens Recipe 風果年華食譜

vegetarian, 素食,recipe,食譜

Ingredient and Portion A: | 材料與分量 A: 1/4 each of green, yellow & red capsicum | 青、黃及紅燈籠椒各1/4粒(切片),50g each of water chestnut, lotus root, asparagus & celery | 馬蹄肉、蓮藕、蘆筍、西芹 各50克

Ingredient and Portion B: | 材料與分量B: some macadamia nut(blanch in oil till golden brown) | 夏威夷果適量(用溫油泡香)

Seasoning | 調味料: 1/2 tsp vegetarian stock granule |調味素 1/2茶匙, 1/2 tsp salt | 鹽 1/2茶匙, 1/2 tsp sugar | 糖 1/2茶匙, 1 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce | 素蚝油 1茶匙

Method | 做法:

1. Cut all ingredients into pieces and then blanch in boiling water briefly, drain.


2. Heat 1 1/2 tbsp oil in wok, add in all ingredients together with seasoning, stir-fry for about 2 minutes, dish out, top with macadamia nuts.

燒熱鍋,下1 1/2湯匙油,把所有材料和調味料一起倒入炒一下,大約2分鐘即可盛碟,撒上夏威夷果上桌。

Enoki Tofu Recipe 金菇豆腐食譜

vegetarian, 素食,recipe,食譜

Ingredient and Portion A: | 材料與分量 A: 4 blocks white tofu | 白豆腐 4塊

Ingredient and Portion B: | 材料與分量B: 1 pkt enoki mushroom | 鮮金針菇 1包, 1 pkt white crab mushroom | 白玉菇 1包, 6 pcs sweet peas | 甜豆 六條, some juliennes carrot & ginger | 紅蘿蔔絲、薑絲適量, 1 tsp Gou Qi | 枸杞 1茶匙

Seasoning | 調味料: 1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce | 素蠔油 1湯匙, 1 tsp vegetarian stock granule | 調味素 1茶匙, 1/2 tsp soy sauce | 醬油 1茶匙, 1/2 tsp salt | 鹽 1/2 茶匙, 1/2 tsp sugar | 糖 1/2茶匙, 1/2 tsp sesame oil | 麻油 1/2茶匙, Some corn starch | 粟粉水適量

Method | 做法:

1. Deep fry tofu in hot oil until golden brown, arrange on serving plate.


2. Blanch ingredients B briefly in boiling water, drain.


3. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, add in blanched ingredients B with 1 cup of water; bring to boil.


4. Add seasoning and then thicken with starch, pour over fried tofu to serve.


原食譜來自:Feminine 風采